How to launch SGGB

What OS are you using?:



0. If Smartscreen pops up, click on "More info" and "Run anyway"

1. Click on the game's icon in the top left corner

2. Click on "Properties"

! Windows Vista and 7 are outdated and may not work :(

Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista


(Optional) 3. Go to the "Font" tab, make your font bigger and click OK.

Linux distributions

Make sure you have the newest release of your distro!
Tested on:

1. Execute this command.
$ python --version

2. Depending on the output of the prev. command, install one of these packages.
Python 2.x - python3-pygame
Python 3.x - python-pygame

3. Open a terminal in the same folder as the game.

4. Make the game executable.
$ chmod +x SuperGamingasBros

5. Lauch the game using a terminal!
$ ./SuperGamingasBros